Wednesday, March 8, 2023

March 7, 2023

 Tuesday March 7, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in den.

Up with sun in eyes at 0700.  Looked out window and it look like a great day.

Nancy headed out for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/ stationary bike day.  After breakfast I hopped on bike and headed to MVP.  Miles to MVP, 3.5.  

MVP was not crowded.  Most folks are on MWF schedule.  I performed my calisthenics.  It takes about 40 minutes.  After showered and lotioned up before heading home.

I wanted to get to apartment before 1100 so I could get my free coffee.  No lucked today.  I arrived and 1105 and the coffee pots were gone.

Hoped in car and headed to Panera.  I got my coffee and two croissants.  

Later stopped at Post Office in Ada to mail my Passport renewal.  It cost $130.  

Stopped at Ada Bike and bought new pedals for my Bad Boy.  At home I tried taking the old pedals off.  No luck! they were rusted in.  Put bike rack on Escape and headed back to Ada Bike.  After some grunting and groaning the mechanic got the pedals off and put the new ones on.

At home Nancy and I looked over our snack inventory.  Tonight at 1700 we are going to a neighborhood block party.  We have to bring food to share.  We did not have either a cheese or fruit tray.  Nancy headed to Family Foods.

Today being Tuesday I have to shave.  While Nancy was running her errand I shaved my face and head.  

Finally after a quick lunch I was able to finish several blogs and do some reading.  No nap today.  Bummer.

At 1700 we took our cheese tray and walked down the hall to the “Tea Room”.  About 20 folks attended the party.  Some brought big food and dessert trays.  

Sitting on both sides of me were men in their early 90.  Across was a 91 year old women.  They were all sharp as a tack.  However, old folks tend to be very conservative.  I am glad we did not talk politics because I think my table guest were slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.  

Nancy and I stayed to help clean up.  It is now almost 2000 and time to watch some streaming. We tuned in to “Madame Blanc Mysteries” on Acorn.  I immediately fell asleep! must start taking my afternoon nap.

Looked out window before turning in saw no critters.  However, today on my bike ride I did see the two neighborhood Sand Hill Cranes, several Robins and a bunch of wild turkeys.

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