Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 11, 2023

 Saturday March 11, 2023

Blog time 1900 sitting in office

Up at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We arrived early enough to get a desirable table near a window.  We had our standard breakfast.

Took a short drive before stopping at Meijer’s.  We replenished our stock of food stables.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee.  We also stopped at Verhey to pay for our new shades.

It took awhile to unload our supplies because they were split between our upstairs storage and the basement storage.

After storing the food I put on my bike clothes and took an 8 mile ride.  Bright sun and temp in high 30s.  Great ride.

Rest of Day:

Took a short nap.

Nancy and I attended the apartment’s Happy Hour.

Lean cuisine dinner.

We watched “Beyond Paradise”.  Unfortunately I slept through the whole show.

Weather folks say snow tonight.  Looked out window at 2200 but no snow. Stay tuned.

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