Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 23, 2023

Thursday March 23, 2023

Blog Time:  1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700

Busy Morning ahead:

At 0800 the installer of our new furnace arrived.  It will take him about 6 hours to install the unit.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike workout at MVP.

I waited until I was sure the furnace man had all he needed.  It was raining and 40 degrees when I headed to MVP.  I took the Fusion.  When I got to MVP the rain had stopped.  Maybe I will take a ride later today.

MVP was not very crowded.  I did my standard routine this morning.  No aerobics because of my anticipated bike ride this afternoon.  After the workout I showered and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook blvd.  Purchased coffee and two baguettes.  Checked emails and read the Alpena and Detroit News.  

I have given up on using the Logitech Keyboard to write my blog.  It was heavy and getting kind of wormy.   I am now typing blog on my laptop.

This and that:

This evening Nancy and I are having dinner with the Moore’s.  

Spring is finally here.  Buds are coming out, the birds are building nests, and the temperature is rising.

Next week I get my steel studded bike tires off.  Another sign of Spring.

I had thought that we were finally fully moved, but in today’s mail got an insurance statement using the Tahoe address.  I called Blue Cross and was put on hold.  Waiting time 60 minutes. Bummer

Our dinner with the Moore’s was enjoyable.  We spent two hours talking.

At dinner we met John Sebastian.  John’s son Andy was on my hockey many years ago.  John and Wife have just moved into Cook Valley.

This evening we watched an episode of “Happy Valley”.  

Temps will drop below freezing this evening.  It will be cold on the bike ride tomorrow.


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