Friday, March 10, 2023

March 8, 20

 Wednesday March 8,2023

Blog time 0840 sitting in Panera, the one on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did not get up until 0730.  

Nancy was already up and getting ready for her morning swim.

I decided that I would drive to Panera, get a yogurt fruit cup and bagel and do some reading. Later I would take a long bike ride.

Before heading out I stepped on scale and was surprised, no weight gain even after last night’s binging.

Grabbed my iPad and headed out.  Realized halfway to Panera I forgot to take my MG pills.  Bummer.

Panera we empty this morning. Finished my breakfast and started working on blog.  Also read Detroit and Alpena News. Left for home at 1030.  At home I suited up and took a 7.45 mile bike ride.  The route I selected today will be my warm weather route, with a stop at MVP.  Only three traffic lights and entire ride is on concrete sidewalks.

At home showered and then a trip to Costco. Today we replenished our paper supply i.e. paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissues. 

Light dinner and then an episode of “Madame Blanc Mysteries”.

Beautiful evening when checked outside before bed.  Tomorrow will be another great bicycle day.  

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