Monday, March 27, 2023

March 26, 2023

 Sunday March 26, 2023

Blog time 2118 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  The rain had stopped.

Dressed, had an oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowed.

Took a 90 minute drive after church.  Ended up at Panera for more coffee.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.25 mile ride.  For this first time this year I wore my bike helmet (not snow board helmet), gloves and unlined pants.

As soon as I got home I showered and took a nap.

I had good intentions but still have not started taxes.

Tomorrow Nancy and I are attending an event at Meijer’s Garden.  Suit is required.  I brought up my 50 year old suit and it still fits.  Surprise.

San Diego State won today.

For dinner Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with English muffin.  Eggs are traditional for Sunday dinner.  When young we often had dinner at my Grandparent’s farm.  My Grandmother cooked the eggs in the shell.  She would cut the top off and place them in an egg cup and we would spoon out the inside.  For dessert my Grandfather would go to the root cellar and get a jar of canned fruit.  Great memories.

Tonight we watched an old episode of “Murder in “Paradise”.  Getting old has one positive and that is you cannot remember if you had seen the old episodes.

Rain/snow mix for tonight but tomorrow should be a great day for a bike ride.

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