Sunday, March 19, 2023

march 18, 2023

 Saturday March 18, 2023

Blog time 1800 on Sunday, a day late.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and then Nancy and I drove to the “The Gathering Place”.  It had snowed all night. We were first car on Cook Valley Blvd.  The road was not plowed so we broke the trail.

Small crowd at “The Gathering Place”, think maybe it was the weather?  We had our usual, oatmeal with scramble egg for me and a Western Omelette for Nancy.  We both had raisin toast.  Good meal.

After breakfast it was still snowing hard but we did take a drive up Thornapple River Drive.  We drove through Ada Village, west on Ada Drive to Spaulding and south to Meijer’s.  I drove carefully because only one lane had been plowed.  

Surprisingly Meijer’s was crowded.  We purchased much more that we anticipated.  Maybe we thought we would be snow bound for several days.

We did stop at Panera and got our free coffee.  At home it took me 30 minutes to unload the car.  Put some items in our storage locker and the rest in our apartment.  We are now fully stocked.

It snowed all day.  We never went outside.  I did walk the halls for an hour.  Estimated distance was one mile.

Short nap and then for dinner we had left overs from First Wok.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

For our viewing we watched “Beyond Paradise”.

Looked out window before bed and it was still snowing.  Temperature in high teens.

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