Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 22, 2023

 Wednesday March 22, 2023

Blog time 1920 sitting in den

Up the morning at 0730.  Today is my easy day.

I spent a restless night worrying about my April 10 dental procedure.  I really do not want to do it without more info.

Nancy headed out early for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  I got in Fusion and headed to Panera on Kraft.  Ordered coffee, yogurt parfait and croissant.  I did talk to some Panera regulars if they knew the name of a good dentist.  "Partners in Dental Care" on Forest Hills Ave got the most votes.  

After Panera I stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription for some antibiotics that I have to take today for the Apr 10 dental work.

Stopped at Partners in Dental Care on way home.  I was given an interview.  I like the place.  All 6 dentists are UM grads.  I set up an appointment to see a dentist on Apr 27.  

As soon as I got home I called my old dentist and postponed the April surgery.  I felt good with this decision.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8.5 mile ride. On most week days 8.5 miles will be my standard ride.

After the ride showered and took a short nap.  At 1700 we headed down to the Happy Hour.  Spent 45 minutes talking to neighbors.

At home we watched the local news.  First time we watched the news in a week.  The banking problems dominated.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine meal, Spaghetti and meat balls.  Very good.

Tonight we watched "Happy Valley" on Acorn.  We gave it a B.  

Looked out window before bed and it had not started to rain.  Rain predicted for tonight and all day tomorrow.  

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