Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 1, 2023

 Wednesday March 1, 2023

Blog time 1645 on Thursday, a day late, sitting in den

Up Wednesday morning at 0545.  This morning I have Breakfast Club. It was dark but temp was above freezing.  I will be able to ride bike later.

Today March coming in like a lamb (mild temp).  That means that the end of March will leave like a lion.  As the legend goes we will have bad storms on the 31th.

First of March in Mi means that High School Spring sports can begin.

Small crowd at BC this morning.  Too bad because breakfast was especially good.  

Our speaker today was the Executive Director of a group lobbying for laws supporting Climate Change.  Kind of a weak presentation.

Today is usually my easy day but because tomorrow we have a contractor coming to install our bathroom door I decided to head to MVP.  Put on bike clothes and pedaled to MVP.  I did my normal routine except for using the rowing machine.  Showered, lotioned up and headed home.  Bike miles today, 7.

Lunch and then spent time reading.  I did find time for a short nap.

Tonight we ate dinner in the dining room.  Our table mates were a couple who lived all over the USA.  They have lived in Cook Valley just over 7 months.  Nice table mates.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Good Cop” on Netflix.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in Ca.

Checked outside before bed.  No critters were seen.  Our neighbors all talk about all the animal life they see.  We must be blind.

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