Sunday, April 2, 2023

March 30, 2023

 Thursday March 30, 2023

Blog time Sun @ 1330.  Yes I am late

It was cold when we got up this morning.  Temp in mid teens.  

Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I fixed oatmeal w/raisins for breakfast.  Bundled up and headed out on bike to MVP.

 A pile of dirt was left in the middle of sidewalk by snow plows.  I tried to avoid it but could not and fell off my bike.  A typical Joe Biden fall.  Got up checked myself over the found everything worked.  Continued on to MVP.  I did my standard routine and headed home.

At home I changed clothes and drove to Panera.  My nose lately has been running continually.  When got home for Panera I called Doctor and got an appointment for 1100 tomorrow.

Nancy stopped at Walgreens and got me some cold pills and spray.  Spent the rest of day relaxing.

We did have dinner tonight downstairs in the main dining room.  Our quarterly dinner allotment has about $350 dollars remaining.  We have to spend this money by the end of the month or it is lost.  To help Nancy has been buying all her lunch mates dessert.

This evening I ordered the expensive steak and Nancy had the dinner special.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “Night Agent”.  

When I headed to bed my nose was stuffed and continually running.  I felt miserable.  Hope the Doctor, tomorrow, has the magic cure.

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