Thursday, April 27, 2023

April 25, 2023

 Tuesday April 25, 2023

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out window and it was snowing.  My watch said the temperature was 34.

I spent a restless night.  My stomach was acting up.  I felt constipated and chilled.  No breakfast today.

We drove to MVP.  Nancy did her treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I did calisthenics and rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes.

After MVP we drove to Panera.  I had a fruit/yogurt cup and shared a croissant with Nancy.  After Panera we headed home to change clothes and then headed to Meijer for supplies.

Spent a quiet afternoon at home.  

No hot dogs tonight.  

Watched “The Diplomat” on Netflix tonight.  

Another below freezing night ahead.

This and That.

The flowering trees are in full bloom.  Best I have seen in years.

Who cares about Tucker Carlson!

As an octogenarian and in good health.  I am not  fit to be President, neither are Trump or Biden.  We can do better.

Our National Debt is for real.  Massive cuts are needed.

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