Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 10, 2023

 Monday April 10, 2023

Blog time 1030 on Tuesday sitting in office.  A day late.

Up at 0700. 

Nancy is feeling better.  She is taking it easy today.  No swim.

After oatmeal breakfast I put on bike clothes and headed to MVP.  The sun was out and the temperature was in mid 50s.

I did my calisthenics.  I have finally gotten my strength back since my bout with flu.  Finished pills today.

While I was gone Nancy made an appointment to see our Primary Care Doctor tomorrow.  She is anxious to have the Doctor give her clearance to drive.

Rest of day’s activities.

We drove to Meijer’s to pick up my MG pills.  They will not be ready until tomorrow.  Bummer.

Stopped at Panera for coffee, split a croissant.

I attended  a 1100 Cook Valley monthly men’s meeting.  The jokes were great but the update from Cook Valley’ manager was not great.

I took a nap this afternoon.

Nancy and I attended the 1700 Happy Hour before heading to the dining room.  This evening I continued eating salmon.

We watched an episode of “Happy Valley” tonight.

Tomorrow will be another nice sunny day.

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