Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 3, 2023

 Monday April 3, 2034

Blog time 1820 on Tuesday.  A day late.

Up this morning at 0730.  It was lousy weather.

My cold/running nose is getting better.  First thing I called UMHealth and told them they did not send my prescription to Meijer’s.

No calisthenics or bike ride today.  I will give my cold one more day to heal.

Oat meal breakfast and then first thing I gathered all our tax data.  Drove to the Accountants office on Tahoe and dropped off all data, a major relief.  

After I headed to Panera for some reading and coffee.  After stopped at Macatawa and ordered more $2 bills.  

At Staples I purchased dividers for my file cabinets.  Next stop Meijer’s to pick up prescription.

At home I started cleaning up my office.  It was a mess with a lot of papers that we did not need for taxes.

Lunch followed by a short nap. We had dinner last night in the main dining room.  We sat with four other folks.  I had the salmon and Nancy had breaded beef.

Up stairs we watched the news followed by two episodes of the “Night Agent”.  Tomorrow we hope to finish.

After Nancy went to bed I read the WSJ.  Checked tomorrows weather and looks like I can get a bike ride in before afternoon rain.

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