Friday, April 28, 2023

April 27, 2023

Thursday April 27, 2023

Blog time 1900 sitting in den.

The temp was 30 this morning.  Sure hope the crops can survive this cold spell.

It must be the pills but I had a great night’s sleep.

Today we had a 0945 appointment with Partners in Dentistry.  We met our new dentist.  X-rays were taken of my troublesome teeth.  Appointments for some major work were scheduled.

Today Nancy drove for the first time in about a month.  She has not fallen in over three weeks.  It worked out ok.

Stopped at Forest Hills Foods for some yogurt and other soft foods.  I will need to limit my diet until I finish my medicines.  Back to normal on next Wednesday.

This afternoon I took a long nap.  For lunch and dinner tonight I had a cup of yogurt which gets high marks for being a great diverticulitis food.

We attended Happy Hour today.  It was well attended.  We are up to date on Cook Valley gossip.

Debbie Facetimed today.

Tonight we watched “The Good Cop on Netflix.  Entertaining.

Another good morning coming up.

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