Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 5, 2023

 Wednesday April 5, 2023

Blog time 1030 sitting in the Panera near our old condo.

It rained most of the night and was raining hard when I got up at 0730.  The temperature was 62, the warmest morning of the year. 

Nancy was going swimming this morning but a thunder storm rolled through as she was suiting up.  The pool closes during lightning.  Nancy decided to stay home.  She does have a noon lunch today.

This is my easy Wednesday, no calisthenics.  Also the rain prevents any bike ride.

Yesterday as I was cleaning I found a lot of manufacture data on many pieces of equipment in our old condo.  I bagged it up and dropped it off at 1674 Tahoe.  I think the new owner was glad to get this data.

Stopped at the Kraft Ave Panera.  It has been raining hard all morning.  Read the Alpena News and Detroit News.  

I did note in the Alpena News that George Masters passed. He was 91.  George was married to a classmate of mine, Beverly Enger.

On way home today I stopped at Forest Hills foods.  Bought oatmeal, cookies and yogurt.  I noted that the oatmeal I bought today, although the same brand as Meijer’s, Better Oats, has more calories and requires 60 seconds more Cook time.  Go figure.

Because of the heavy storms today Nancy’s lunch was canceled.  For lunch I had a yogurt cup and apple.

This afternoon I spent more time cleaning the office.  It is beginning to shape up.  Also did a load of laundry.

Short nap and then at 1700 we walked down to the Harbor Inn for Happy Hour.  About 12 folks attended, most were regulars.

Tonight we have 1745 dinner reservations. No table mates tonight.  I had the salmon and Nancy had a salad.  

This afternoon Nancy passed out.  I think it was caused by lack of food in her system.  I will start insisting that she has food in her stomach when she leaves in the morning.

Nancy was having trouble with her Amazon account. We called Debbie and she walked us through the procedures to get Amazon up and running.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 1 of season 2, Happy Valley.  It was bad.  No more Happy Valley.

Checked the weather before bed.  The rain has stopped.  Tomorrow should be a nice day.  Back to bike.


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