Monday, April 3, 2023

April 2, 2023

 Sunday April 2, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0720. 

Another good night of sleep.

For breakfast this morning I toasted the free bagel I got yesterday from Panera.

Dressed and at 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran.  It was partly sunny when we left this morning.  Temperature was below freezing.Today is Palm Sunday but also first Sunday of spring break.  We wonder how big the crowd will be.

Large crowd today.  Pastor Bob gave a fine homily.

After the service we drove west.  Drove through downtown and then followed the Grand River until we got to the west end of 20th Street.  We were going the ride along Veterans Drive but the river was too high, making parts of the road impassable.

We ended up at Panera at 28th and Knapp.  We got our free coffee and a croissant for each of us.  Panera was empty. Talked at bit before heading home.

We did stop at the Meijer Pharmacy Drive Thru to see if my pill order came through.  No luck.  At home I got on the UM Portal and said their order did not come through.

Nancy took a walk outside as soon as we got home.  I have not walked today.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  Later I read the GRP and Detroit News.  Nothing I want to report on.  Also continued working on taxes.

For dinner Nancy fixed a poached egg on waffle.  For dessert we each had a dish of ice cream.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Night Agent”.  

Missy and Debbie Facetimed this evening from Debbie’s home. Missy and AJ are visiting this weekend.

Today was a recovery day for me.  Tomorrow will also be a recovery day.

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