Monday, April 10, 2023

April 9, 2023

 Sunday April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday

Up at 0700.  No breakfast because Trinity is providing a free breakfast from 0800 to 1300.

Bright sun with temps in high 30s.  Big Easter Sunday turnout.  The breakfast was very good and well attended.

Church service today was in the Main sanctuary.  We attended the 0915 service and had trouble finding a seat.

After church we headed to ER at Blodgett.  Nancy was given a CAT scan.  No conclusive results but Nancy was told to reduce blood pressure meds.  We made an appointment for Monday at UM.

This afternoon I took a 9 mile bike ride. 

Debbie called last night and we gave her an update.

Light dinner.  Watched two episodes of “Stay Close”.  

Looks like Monday will be another nice day.

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