Friday, April 1, 2022

March 31, 2022

 Thursday March 31, 2022

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700. Checked outside and it was raining with temp in low 50s, but will drop to low 30s later.  Rain all day. High winds putting wind chills in 20s.  March is going out like a LION.

Calisthenics at home then dressed and then drove to Panera.  I got Nancy her morning coffee.  This is my new routine.  

Fixed oatmeal breakfast before driving to the Y.  Today I only did calisthenics.  No aerobics today.

Drove home to check on Nancy and then headed to Panera.  Purchased coffee, baguette and started blog writing and reading.

News from small town America:

This morning’s Alpena paper had several articles reflecting on small towns:


A lawsuit filed by parents against Alpena school board for their requirement that students be masked was dismissed.  The Judge said the suit is not needed.  Masks are not required.

Two young women were murdered in fall 2021.  Case still not solved.  Apparently big news in small town.

The Fourth of July Firework’s fund raiser has been rescheduled for the second time because of inclement weather.

For $20 you can get a permit for 90 days to take firewood from State land.  The firewood must be fallen and dead.   Five standard cords is the limit.  Who knows what a standard cord is?

If while fishing you catch a Walleye with a tag you must report to DNR.  Some lucky reporter will win $100.

Nancy and I will be first in line when new Covid booster shot is available.

I like the protein drink Ensure Light.  Stopped at Meijer’s but they did not have any.

At home Nancy started out on a short walk.  Quick lunch and then I headed out to find her.  Got worried because could not find her on her usual routes.  She was walking behind a local building.  She walked a mile, which is good news.

Got a message from Ada Bike.  The work on my Bad Boy bike was done.  I put on bike rack and headed to Ada.  

They did a good job cleaning and lubricating.  Loaded up the bike and drove home.  Now I hope it warms up so I can ride it.

Light dinner tonight Cheerios with fruit.  We watched the NBC news and also Shepard Smith on CNBC.  

This and that:

President Biden’s premature pullout from Afghanistan is giving the Taliban more power to keep young women out of school.  They have also placed extreme limits of Women mobility.  For someone who supports women’s rights President Biden sure made a major mistake.

POTUS has also not provided leadership needed to stop Russia in Ukraine.  The US comes across as weak and not dependable.

I like our US Representative Peter Meijer and think he is doing a super job.  Read in the GRP that he has a GOP opponent in the primary.  Probably a big Trump supporter.  Trump is ruining the GOP.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Bloodlines” on Acorn.  

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  It was mild but temp will drop to 30 overnight with snow.  What happened to Global Warming.


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