Saturday, April 23, 2022

April 22, 2022

 Friday April 22, 2022

Up this morning at 0730.  I slept in because today is my birthday.  This is my present to me.

Bright sun with temperature of 30.  Rain moving in later this afternoon.

April is a big birthday month for the Scotts.  My dad and Granddaughter Alessandra have birthdays on the 17th.  My cousin Betty Scott had a birthday on the 21st.  Betty is a year and day older than me.  Grandniece Paige Kassebaum also has a birthday. 

This morning I did 100% of my calisthenic routine at home.   Put on warm bike clothes and took a 5 mile route to Panera.  Today is my lucky day because I got a free birthday scone.

Just got started when Nancy walked in.  She thought my scone was tasty.  My weather app told me that rain was starting in 45 minutes so I cut my Panera time short and headed out on the 5 miles home.  Total bike miles today, 10.

I got cold riding the bike so first thing I did at home was turn on electric blanket and took a short nap.  

After the nap I worked on renewing my Global Entry pass.  It took some doing but I finally was able to renew.  Debbie was able to help me.  Why do the Feds make renewing so difficult? Their web site is a disaster.

This evening Nancy and I are attending an over 60 dinner for Trinity Lutheran members at the Cascade Road House.  We left home at 1645 in pouring rain.  The dinner was well attended.  About 30 seniors were in attendance.  I was given a shout out because today is my birthday.  We had a great time.

Got home about 2030.  Started watching a show on Acorn.  I immediately fell asleep.  I have no recollection of the show.

It was still pouring rain when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Tomorrow should be a sunny warm day.

I want to thank Debbie and Alessandra, Missy and AJ and my Sister Helen for giving me a birthday call.  I got a birthday email from Cousin Mary Hughes.   

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