Friday, April 29, 2022

April 28, 2022

 Thursday April 28, 2022

Up at 0645.  Nancy headed out early for a Group Active class at MVP.  I did at home calisthenics before breakfast.  

I woke up this morning  with a sour stomach.  It seems everything is backed up.

It was a cold, 28, but sun was shining.  After oatmeal breakfast I got on Cannondale and pedaled to the Y, 5 miles.  My stomach was still acting up so I reduced the number of repetitions for calisthenics. 

I noted as I unlocked my bike that my front tire was flat.  Same tire that I just had fixed.  I called Nancy to pick me up.  Put bike in back seat and drove home.  Dropped Nancy off and drove to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette and did some light reading. 

At noon I stopped at Meijer for bananas.  Then headed to Ada Bike.  Dropped off bike with a few choice words.  Will pick up on Saturday.

At home shaved and showered followed by a short nap.  I was cold so I turned the blanket up high.

No lunch today.  Spent time in office reading.

I read an article in today’s Grand Rapids about stomach flu that has been invading the GR area.  From the article I know I have it.  Bottom line, plenty of fluids.  Eat only soft food and get plenty of rest.  I complied for dinner I only had a cup of yogurt.  I violate one suggestion I had a glass of wine.  Hard to give up my nightly glass.

Tonight we watched “Anatomy of a Scandal”.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature was still in 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Checking my weather app it looks like morning temps will be above freezing until September.  Good news.

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