Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 23, 2022

 Saturday April 23, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  It was warm and sunny when we left home.  Temperature will reach 80s later.  About time!

The Gathering Place was crowded this morning.  The bright sun probably got folks up early.  We had our usual fare.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  Stopped at Panera and got our free coffee.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  Today is laundry day.  While Nancy was doing the laundry, I ran some errands.

I filled up both the Escape and Fusion up.  I cannot remember the price of gas.  Also stopped at D&W and bought some mini-naans.

The temperature was near 80 when I decided to go on a long bike ride.  For the first time this year I wore my knickers and just a light long sleeve tee. 

Today I rode 10.7 miles, my longest ride of the year.  It took 90 minutes.  Perfect day for a ride.    

At home I showered and shaved followed by a short nap.  

Finished the day reading the news on my iPad.  We had a very light dinner.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Anatomy of a Scandal” on Netflix.

Temperature was in 60s when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Rain predicted for tomorrow.

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