Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 13, 2022

 Wednesday April 13, 2022

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  up with 0530 alarm.

Temperature in high 40s with rain most of the day.

On way downtown I stopped at Biggby for coffee.  Traffic was heavy on freeway.  Glad I have night vision glasses.

Small crowd today.  Our speaker today was a fellow BC member.  He is a retired medical Doctor but his topic today was used cars.  They Doc owns a used car dealership.  He also owns many 50 and 60s vintage cars.  It was a great talk.

It was not raining when I left for home.  At home I put on bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.  Good timing today because it started pouring when walked in door.

Showered, dressed and headed to Panera.  Spent short time at Panera reading local news.  Finally got Detroit News app to work.

After Panera I headed to Meijer’s in pouring rain.  Picked up prescription for Nancy.  Being the 13th I bought lottery tickets.

Nancy had already gone to the Gardens when I got home.  She is working the afternoon shift.

Activities for rest of afternoon:

Pick up trash and recyclables and take to curb.

Load of laundry


Trip to D&W for milk, bananas, mini-naan and a turkey sub for dinner.

Watched 5 deer in back yard eating from mineral block I put out earlier this month.

Dinner tonight included turkey sub purchased earlier.  Also raspberries and cookies.

After the news we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

This evening Missy FaceTimed.  Missy and AJ are ready for Thursday’s trip to GR.  The trip is nonstop from LA to GR.  The airline is strictly no frills.  If they have to print your boarding pass the charge $5.  

It was raining when checked courtyard.  Rain will stop tonight.  Temp will drop below freezing.  High winds tomorrow but the good news, sunshine.

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