Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 27, 2022

 Wednesday April 27, 2022

Blog time 1035 sitting in Starbucks Woodland Mall

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Set alarm for 0530.  Woke up at 0525 and shut alarm off.

Did some light calisthenics before dressing and heading out.  The sun was just coming out.  The temperature was 30.  Sure hope no damage to crops.

Stopped at Biggby Coffee to get a coffee to take with me.  The nice gal gave me a free coffee.

As is my practice after I parked my car I took a walk around the block.  Walked past my old office in McKay Tower.  It was cold this morning so a homeless man was sleeping on a steam manhole located in the sidewalk in front of Flanagan’s.

Small crowd today at BC.  Today’s speaker was the director of the Heritage Hills neighborhood association.  Heritage Hills is a designated Historical District located near downtown.  The district has many well preserved large 100 year old homes.  Good talk.

After BC I drove to Woodland Mall.  Bought a coffee at Starbucks and settled down to do some reading.  

I have been following the news from Ukraine and most of it is not good.  I am surprised NATO has not taken a firm stand against Putin.  They seem intimidated.

After Woodland I headed to Breton Village.  Stopped at Orvis and Fitzgerald’s but bought nothing.  I did stop at Lululemon and bought a pair of pants.

Stopped at Cascade Meijer’s and bought a sub for dinner tonight, Motrin and prune juice.  Nancy’s ENT recommended Motrin for her ear problem.  

When I got home Nancy had already left for her shift at Meijer’s.  I started my Wednesday chores:

Load of laundry.

Recyclables and trash.

And of course my Wednesday nap.

Finished the afternoon with a 4 mile bike ride on Cannondale.

For dinner tonight I had the sub purchased earlier at Meijer’s.

We watched the news which seemed to be dominated by Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  Good grief who cares?

Tonight we watched another episode of “Hidden Assets”.  We give this show a B+.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to 20s tonight.  Hope no crop damage.

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