Monday, April 18, 2022

April 17, 2022

 Sunday April 17, 2022

Blog time 1310 sitting in living room.

Today is travel day for Missy and AJ.  They are heading back to LA.  Will leave Condo about 1000.

We started getting folks up at 0730.  First thing, I drove to Starbucks to get Missy her special coffee drink.  Dropped the coffee off for Missy. Headed to Biggby to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Surprise! Biggby was closed for Easter.  Drove back to Starbucks and got mild coffee for us.

For breakfast Nancy fixed “pigs in a blanket” a food request from Missy.  

We got Missy and AJ to the airport at 1020.  We enjoyed their visit.  It was sad to see them off.

Today is a special day for the Scott Family.  Today is Granddaughter Alessandra’s 13th birthday.  We FaceTimed her to wish her a Happy Birthday.  The Scott Team was traveling in Texas when we caught up with them.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Alessandra.

Today is also the birthday of my father, Robert Sanborn Scott.  Dad was born in Virginia, Minnesota on this day in 1906.  Later today I will call my Sister so we can reminisce.

When we got home from airport I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.4 mile ride.  The ride took me 1h05’ to complete.  Avg speed 7.7 mph. 

At home showered and then took a long Sunday afternoon nap.  After the nap I spent time finishing my blogs.

Blast from past!  Easter egg hunt.  In 1962 while stationed on Midway Island Navy base, I was assigned an extra duty.  I was in charge of the Chaplin’s Easter egg hunt.  I had to buy the chocolate covered Easter eggs for the Chaplin’s hunt.  The eggs had to be ordered from a store in Hawaii and flown to Midway.  As you can imagine I did not join the Navy to buy Easter eggs.  

Midway Island had about 3,000 Navy personnel.  All the young sailors and officers were single.  Senior enlisted men and Officers could bring their families. 

The Chaplin was a holly-roller who disapproved of the drinking establishments provided for the sailors.  He was disliked because his first duty should have been the welfare of the young enlisted sailors,  not the children of a select group.  

For several months before Easter the Chaplain constantly reminded me of my duty to order the eggs.  Finally I placed the order.  The eggs would arrive on either the Monday or Friday flight from Hawaii.  When the eggs did not arrive on the Monday before Easter,  the Chaplain warned me that if they did not arrive on Good Friday’s flight I would face serious disciplinary action. My boss Lt. Commander Tinklepaugh told me not to worry he had my back.  Luckily the eggs arrived on Friday’s flight.  My Easter story for the year.

No lunch today so tonight for dinner I had my normal lunch of yogurt.  

We watched some of 60 Minutes before switching to the final episode of “Madame Blanc Mysteries”.  

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The full moon was still visible.  Temperature will drop to low 30s tonight.  Snow possible.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She was sad because today she paid her taxes.  We told her to be thankful for San Jose’s mild weather.  We have snow coming.  

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