Monday, April 25, 2022

April 24, 2022

 Sunday April 24, 2022

Blog time 1914 sitting in living room.

Up with sun, 0644, today.  Dressed and headed to Biggby for our Sunday coffee.

At home I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.  At 0845 we left for Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd at church today.  After church we took the scenic drive to Lowell and then home.  The temperature was in 60s but rain will be starting around noon.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and then we bought grapes, bananas, sugar substitute, cookies, yogurt and mouth wash.

It was raining hard when we left Meijer’s.  It is now 1900 and still raining.  No bike ride today.

My major activity this afternoon was to write monthly note to kids.  With each note I include a $2 bill.  I wonder how much longer the Feds will continue printing the $2?

Today I also took down my 2 bird feeders.  I guess the bird flu threat is serious. The DNR recommends removal of bird feeders for several weeks.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on an waffle. Very good.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Hidden Assets” on Acorn.  Looks good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her everything ok.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard tonight.  Tomorrow should be dry.

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