Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 11, 2022

 Monday April 11, 2022

Rise at 0700, 50 degrees with sun this morning.

Nancy has a 0900 appointment with PA at our ENT Doctor’s office.

Did my home calisthenics followed by oatmeal.

Put on lightweight bike clothes and biked to the Y.  Great to be riding in sunshine.  

Small crowd at Y.  Put on workout clothes and began calisthenics.

After calisthenics put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.  

Got coffee and baguette before starting morning reading.  Checked the Detroit News but was unable to open. Bummer.  

Read emails, Apple News and Alpena News.  Ukraine is dominating the news.  

China is having a difficult time bringing the new covid strain under control.  Thought they had all the answers.

Nancy stopped at Panera so we sat and talked awhile.  No positive news from ENT visit.  She was told to take Coricidin.

Left for home at 1230.  Total bike miles today, 9.5.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs.  Checked with Detroit News to see if they could fix my digital account.  No luck.

Busy weekend so I did not write blog.  Today I wrote both Saturday and Sunday’s in one blog.  I should never put off writing because after 12 hour I cannot remember what I did.

Cheerios and raspberries for dinner.  Will watch the evening news and then switch to Acorn.  Tonight we watched episode 3 of “Harry Wild”.  After finishing episode 3 we viewed episode 4.  Great show.

It was 48 and partly cloudy when checked the courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be a warm sunny day.

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