Monday, April 11, 2022

April 10, 2022

 Saturday April 9, 2022 and Sunday April 10, 2022

Starting blog time Saturday, 1220 sitting in office.

Up this morning at exactly 0700.  Sunrise today at 0708.  Looked out window and it was snowing with thin dusting on ground.  Temperature was 30.

We had some excitement last night.  About midnight I looked out window and saw a big raccoon.  Scared it away.  I wanted to see if the coon had gotten in bird seed.  Opened the slider and the ALARM started blaring.  Took several minutes the get the alarm turned off and reset.

This morning we left home just before 0800 and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We got our favorite table and ordered the usual.  Great breakfast.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at D&W to get coleslaw, bananas and a package of “pigs in blanket”.  

Headed to Panera and we each bought our cheap coffee to take home.  At home Nancy started the laundry. I did several chores which I cannot recall.

After lunch I took a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

Saturday night we watched an episode of “Slow Horses”.  I gave it a B+.

Checked the Courtyard before and the rain had stopped.  Tomorrow we will finally have some sun.

Sunday April 10, 2022

Sunday morning woke to bright sun and temp in mid 30s.

Drove to Biggby for coffee.  Today the coffee was free.

Breakfast and then at 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran.

Palm Sunday so church was crowded.  

After church we took a short ride through downtown.  Great to drive in bright sun.

1230 we headed to Moleski’s for a gathering of book club.  Drinks at 1300 followed by brunch at 1400.  

Fried chicken paddies and meatballs were on the menu along with salad and an assortment of sweets for dessert.

Pleasant afternoon.  

For evening meal I had an apple.  Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and another episode of “Slow Horses” on Netflix.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening and everything ok in MI and CA.

The temp was still in mid 40s when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be another pleasant day.  I can ride my bike.


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