Friday, April 8, 2022

April 7, 2022

 Thursday April 7, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  First thing I check weather.  39 with rain starting late morning.  If I hurry I can get a bike ride in.

Nancy is meeting at 0900 Carol Masten and Kathy Vance for coffee at Starbucks in Woodland mall.  This afternoon she has a PT session.

Did the at home calisthenics and then put on bike clothes and pedaled to the Y.  No breakfast at home today I want to get to Panera before rain.

The Y was not crowded.  I quickly did my calisthenics, dressed and headed to Panera.  So far I have avoided the rain.

Today I bought oatmeal and croissant for breakfast.  Finished yesterday’s blog before reading the news.  Nothing new in the news that I want to comment on.  

Left Panera in a light drizzle.  It being Thursday I shaved before showering and then a light lunch.

When Nancy got home at 1500 we made a quick trip to Costco.  The store was empty.  First time we had been in Costco in weeks.  The store has lost it charm for me.  I prefer Meijer’s or D&W for most items.

After unloading the car I took a quick nap.  Tonight for dinner we had pinwheel sandwiches purchased earlier at Costco.

Today we returned to Acorn and watched another episode of “Acceptable Risk”.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  They both complained of the heat in Ca.  We complained about the cold and rain in Mi.

Debbie is returning to the office starting with one day a week.  Her big problem is boarding her dog Violet while at work.  We wished her good luck.

Missy and AJ are visiting GR next Thursday.  We scheduled a visit to Beltline bar.  She also wants “pigs in a blanket”.  

Light rain when checked courtyard before bed.  Cold and rain all day tomorrow.  Hope this miserable weather ends before Missy and AJ arrive.

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