Saturday, April 30, 2022

April 29, 2022

 Friday April 29, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Nancy was up at 0700.  Put on swim suit and headed to MVP.

Temperature was in 40s with sun.  A great spring day.

My stomach was acting up all night so I slept in until 0900.  For breakfast this morning I had a banana.

At 1000 got on my Bianchi bike and pedaled the 3 miles to Panera.  Bought coffee and baguette.  With my upset stomach I should not drink coffee.  However I cannot completely give up my morning cup.  I drank 1/2 cup.

Read Michigan papers and checked email before pedaling home.  Total miles = 4.5.

At home I turned on electric blanket and jumped in bed.  I just started a Harlan Corbin book and I read several chapters before falling asleep.

Spent time today finishing blogs and checking emails.  For lunch I had a cup of pudding.

Just a note that Spring is busting out all over.  The spring flowers are blooming and the leaves are out.  Everything is green.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I are heading to Culver’s for a frozen custard. Sure sounds good.  It was.

Tonight we watched the news and then switched to Apple+ and watched two episodes of “Slow Horses”.  A good but dark show.

Courtyard check before turning in revealed everything ok.  Temperature will remain mild tonight.  I think our morning frost is a thing of the past.

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