Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 15, 2022

 Friday April 15, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  No exercises today for Bob or Nancy.  Missy and AJ were still sleeping.  I made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee.

We sat in living room reading.  Got Missy and AJ up at 0900.  We had breakfast this morning at Sundance.  The place was jammed.  Breakfast at Sundance is always good.

After breakfast we took a ride around our old GR neighborhood, Ottawa Hills, and East Grand Rapids.  I was surprised to see all the new homes.  

After the ride down memory lane we headed to Meijer Gardens.  Our purpose today was to see the butterflies.

The place was jammed.  I had trouble finding a parking place.  

Despite the crowd the Gardens did a great job getting folks in to see the butterflies.  The butterflies were very active today.  AJ especially liked the exhibit.  

At home we relaxed a bit and then at 1630 we headed to the “Beltline Bar” for their famous wet burritos.  Missy especially like the burritos.  First time in years we had visited the Beltline Bar.  Nothing had changed.  Love the burritos!

Tonight we watched “CODA” on Apple +.  It was a great movie.  Missy, being hearing impaired, especially like it.  It was worthy of an Academy Award.

It was cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Cold weather continues.

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