Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 19, 2022

 Tuesday April 19, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0715.  The days are getting longer because sunrise today was at 0652.  Temperature was below freezing.  Light snow predicted around 0800.

Today Nancy headed to MVP.  She plans to walk on treadmill for 2 miles.

I did my at home routine before oatmeal breakfast.  I decided to ride my bike today despite being 33 degrees.  Put on heavy clothes and pedaled to Y.  The only critters I have seen lately on my bike rides has been bunnies.

Sparse crowd at the Y.  Completed my routine in 32 minutes.  Dressed and headed to Panera.

Like the Y, the crowd at Panera was sparse.  Ordered coffee and baguette before settling down for morning read.  Not much in the papers that I want to comment on.  Ukraine and covid news dominates.

Left for home at 1300.  I was lucky to have the wind at my back.  The temperature still had not reached 40.  Total bike miles today, 9.

Shaved, head and face, before a nice hot shower.  I am still wearing lined pants to stay warm.  I don’t think I have ever worn lined pants this long.

Quick lunch and then I ran errands.  First stop was Gerald Ford Airport to get more info on renewing my Global Entry pass.  I was given a list of numbers to call.

Stopped at Dick’s Sport Goods to see if they had any special underwear I like in stock.  They did not.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.  

Spent the rest of afternoon sitting at iPad in living room.  Completed blog and finished reading news.

This and that:

I am against forgiving student loans.  They are using tax dollars from folks who scrimped and saved to help their kids get through school.  

Why is it that I see only healthy looking folks wearing masks?

This cold spring must be miserable for kids playing outdoor sports.

Despite all the public service announcements about texting and driving I still see many folks doing it.

Has our recent below freezing mornings harmed the fruit crop?

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a pork chop with dressing.  Very tasty!

After the news we watched an episode of “Pieces of Her”.  It had been several weeks since we had watched this show so it took awhile to get caught up.  Best advice, once you start a show continue viewing with no break.

The temperature was near freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temp will drop to high 20s this evening.


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