Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 26, 2022

 Tuesday April 26, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room

Up at 0645,  Nancy headed to MVP to walk treadmill 

Temperature was 39 with drizzle.  Cold miserable day ahead.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Got winter bike gear out.

Pedaled 6 miles to Panera.  No Y today.

Fell off bike when trying to mount bike at traffic light.  No harm but embarrassing.

Spent short time at Panera.  Left 1100 and headed home. Total miles today = 8.5.  Showered and shaved.

Drove to Macatawa to correct an improper deposit box charge.

At home loaded car up with three big bags of financial document that are to be shredded.

Nancy has an 1100 appointment with her ear doctor. She has been having a blocked ear for weeks.  Doctor said ear pain is a dental problem.  We both find this far fetched but Nancy did make an appointment with Dentist.

As soon as Nancy got home from Doctor put bike rack on her car, the Escape.  Headed to Ada Bike and picked up Cannondale.

At 1530, I drove to Macatawa Bank and dropped off documents to be shredded.  The place was crowded.  Macatawa also provided free hot dogs and drinks.  I did not abide.

At home finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork chop cooked in crock pot with rice and sweet sauce.  Also home made apple sauce.  Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of “Harry Wild” on Acorn.  We give this show an A.

It has been a dark cold day with intermittent drizzle.  The drizzle had not stopped when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature will drop below freezing tonight.

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