Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 1, 2022

 Friday April 1, 2022

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Headed downstairs to do at home calisthenics before dressing and heading to Panera to get Nancy her morning coffee.  It was 30 degrees and snowing.  High temp today will be 40.

At home fixed oatmeal w/banana and then headed to the Y.  The Y because of popular classes was crowded.  I just did my normal calisthenics.  No aerobics today.  Changed clothes and headed to Panera.

Today is April Fools day.  I asked several older folks at the Y if they remember Sidd Finch.  No one did!  The April 1, 1985 edition of “Sports Illustrated” ran an article on a baseball prospect named Sidd Finch.  The article was written by George Plimpton.  It was a great article but it was a hoax.  An April Fool’s joke.  I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

In my youth The Alpena News every April Fools day ran an article of local interest.  It was also an April Fool Joke.  My Dad fell for several stories.

At Panera I bought my coffee and baguettes.  Today I asked several older men if they heard of Sidd Finch.  They all had.

This afternoon Nancy just wanted to get out of the house so we drove to Woodland Mall.  We walked a mile.  The mall was not crowded.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight I drove to Culver’s.  Bought myself a cod sandwich.  Also bought two frozen custards.  We sat in den and ate our food and watched the news.  Very relaxing.

Debbie called tonight.  We reported that Bob and Nancy were ok.  Also spent some time complaining about the cold weather.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Bloodlines” on Acorn.  Hope to finish tomorrow night.

It was cold and gloomy when checked Courtyard before bed.  Night time temps in 30s tonight.  Cold continues.


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