Friday, April 15, 2022

April 14, 2022

 Thursday April 14, 2022

Blog time; 1100 at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0715.  Woke to bright sun with temperature of 35.  The wind was 14 mph but expected to increase significantly around 1100.

I did not want to ride into a stiff wind so I decided to not go to Y.  I would do calisthenics at home after the ride.

Good move because it was very cold riding into just a 15 mph wind.  A 25 mph wind would be miserable.  The folks at Panera said I was early today.  I explained I wanted to avoid the high winds starting later this morning.

I just sat down when Nancy arrived.  She joined me.  Today she swam her normal distance.  Great news.

It is now 1130 and I am heading home.  The temp is 45 but wind speed of 22 mph.  Luckily I will have the wind at my back on the ride home.

Quick lunch at home and then got basement bedroom ready for Missy and AJ who are coming this evening.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Light dinner tonight because we might have a light meal after Missy and AJ arrive.

2030 we headed to the airport.  Dropped Nancy off at the terminal and I headed to the Cell Phone Lot.  Plane was scheduled to arrive at 2100 and actually arrived at 2110.  

Picked up Missy and AJ.  Drove along 28th St to find a restaurant that might be open for a quick snack.  No luck.

At home Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also had toast, fruit and cookies.  Sat in living room talking until 2300.  

Checked courtyard before bed and it was still windy and cold.  We did have a bright full moon.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  She was checking up.  We gave a positive report.

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