Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 25, 2022

 Monday April 25, 2022

Blog time 1145 sitting at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.  It was cloudy with a temperature of 50.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her swim day.

Morning calisthenics before oatmeal.  Put on bike clothes for my ride to Y.  SURPRISE NOT TO HAPPEN!!  The bike had a flat tire.

Pumped the tires on my backup bike, the Bianchi, and headed out.  Took the short 5 mile route to Y.

The Y’s attendance is still not back to pre-covid.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk.  Put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.

Just settled down at Panera when Nancy walked in.  She said that she is back to pre-pneumonia form.  This afternoon we will drive to Costco so she can pick up at prescription.

Left Panera at 1200.  At home I put bike carrier on Escape, loaded up Cannondale and headed to Ada Bike.  I told them to fix the flat and take off the bike rack.  The rack makes it difficult for me to dismount.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Nancy picked a prescription.  We looked around but did not purchase anything.

At home I sat in living room, worked on blog, read the Detroit News and Apple News.  No nap today.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios and toast w/peanut butter.  We watched the local news and Shepard Smith on CNBC.

Finished our evening viewing another episode of “Harry Wild” on Acorn.  We both like this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She and AJ made a recent trip to San Diego.  Missy likes this area and is thinking of moving there.

Several area agencies have drop off boxes for unused pills.  It think this is a great idea.  Keeps the pills out of reach of kids.

It was cool and gloomy when checked the courtyard before bed.  Temp will drop to mid 30s tonight.

Tomorrow will have temps in low 40s with showers.

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