Thursday, March 31, 2022

March 30, 2022

Wednesday March 30, 2022

Blog time 1750, sitting in office

Today is Breakfast Club.  Up with alarm at 0530

Did a few calisthenics before dressing and heading to BC.  I did make a stop at Biggby for a small coffee.

Traffic into downtown was surprisingly light.

Last night the TV broadcast Winter Weather Advisory alerts.  Freezing rain predicted making morning traffic treacherous.  Once again the weather folks were wrong.  It was 40 with no rain.

We had a large crowd at BC.  Today’s speaker was the retired director of the GR Museum’s Observatory.  He lives and breaths astronomy.  

Today he talked about NASA’s new James Web Space Telescope.  He had great slides and other visuals.  It was a well received talk.

After BC I drove to Panera to get Nancy a coffee.  Her condition today is about the same.  I do think her cough is better.  She had to cancel her shift at Meijer’s.

My weather app said no rain until this afternoon.  Put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.7 mile ride.  It was cloudy with temperature in low 50s.  Great riding conditions.  At home showered and then drove to Panera for coffee and baguette.  

Finished yesterday’s blog.  I used Apple’ word processing software Pages to write the blog.  I cut and pasted the blog into  It was seamless but some formatting problems.

Rain started as soon as I sat down at Panera.  Rain for the next 24 hours.  Will the rain never end.

Got home at 1330.  Lunch and then started Wednesday.

Gathered up recyclables and trash and put in bins.  Did a load of a laundry.  

After the chores I took my Wednesday nap.  

Spent the rest of the afternoon in office reading the news.

We had a scare this afternoon.  Nancy was warming up some soup for dinner when she felt dizzy.  I had to help her walk to her recliner.  After resting for several minutes she returned to normal.

Missy FaceTimed this afternoon.  She reported that she just got tickets to GR.  They are coming on April 14 for 3 days.  The flight from LA to GR is non stop.  

Missy said AJ, her daughter, played hooky from school.  She and young man her age  were adopted about the same time from Kazakhstan have become friends.  Today they visited Legoland.  Great time.

Nancy and I visited Kazakhstan to visit AJ just before she was adopted.  The flight from GR was over 22 hours.  I remember all the buildings were Soviet style with spotty electricity.  We did take a road trip to visit a famous Mosque.  First time I have ever seen free range Camels.  Road kill on the highway were usually camels.

Chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight.  Watched the news and then switched to Netflix.  We watched another episode of “Pieces of Her”.

Temperature in 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything looked secure.


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