Monday, March 7, 2022

March 6, 2022

 Sunday March 6, 2022

Up at 0700.  We had a very noisy night.  High winds with thunder showers.  I checked our deck several time to see if nothing had blown off.

Today the winds will continue until late afternoon.  Temps in mid 30s.

Dressed and headed to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  Today I will only drink 1 cup.

Oatmeal breakfast and at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd at church.  Nice that we do not have a mask mandate.

After church we took a hour drive.  South to Gun Lake and then home.  Nice ride.  Noted several tapped maples on our ride.  Maple syrup time in Mi.

With the snow gone I was able to see many cobs that had been buried by the snow.  I picked up about 15.  

We got our GRP late today.  I am assuming the plane carrying the papers from Ohio was delayed because of the high winds. I read the comics and obits before lunch.  Does my reading priority say something about me?

Late lunch of Yogurt and grapes.  Being Sunday I took my mandatory nap.

After the nap I headed down to office to continue to gather my tax data.  I got waylaid by my full in basket. It took an hour to clean it.  Hard to believe I had neglected taking action on several important items.  

For dinner I had two scrambled eggs and blueberries.  Our refrigerator is full of fresh fruit.  In my youth we never got fresh fruit in the winter. 

We watched the ABC world news.  Ukraine still dominates.  

We finished the evening watching an episode of “Shakespeare and Hathaway”.  I gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

We FaceTimed Missy because we had not talked in several days.  Everything ok in LA.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The wind had died down and temperature was 32. Snow predicted for tonight.  

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