Sunday, March 13, 2022

March 12, 2022

 Up at 0700

Light dusting of snow.  Temperature was 11 and will stay in teens all day.

Breakfast at Gathering Place 

After breakfast took a short drive.  We stopped at Lake Eastbrook Panera to get Nancy a coffee.

At home Nancy started laundry

I started errands.  Stopped at Staples, Chow Hound and Meijer’s.  Nothing at Staples, bird seed at Chow Hound and yogurt, cookies, prune juice and pudding at Meijer’s.


Spent most of afternoon in office cleaning out my filing cabinets.  Worked until 1640.  The Office Spring cleaning is now done.

Shaved, face and head and then a short nap.

We had a light dinner.  Scone and blueberries.

Tonight we watched a new 90 minute show on BritBox.  It was called “Murder in Provence”.  I gave it a B.

Before bed I set the clocks ahead an hour.  I don’t like DST.  I am a morning person.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and everything secure.  Temperature was in teens and it will remain cold all night and most of tomorrow.

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