Monday, March 28, 2022

MARCH 27, 2022

 Sunday March 27, 2022

Blog time1650,  we slept in until 0730.  The sun was not yet up. It was 20 degrees with light snow.  My weather app said sun later today but temp will not reach 30.  Wind chills in teens.

First thing I got Nancy her pill.  Two more days of these strong pills.  

Drove to Biggby for our morning coffee.  At home I got paper out of box.  Nancy drank her coffee and read the papers.  She is not feeling much better today.  No church today.

I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.  We drank and read paper until 1000.  We both decided we needed to get out of house so a ride was in order.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee and a 1/2 price bagel.  Today we drove south to Middleville on Whitneyville Road.  Pleasant rural drive.

We went home on M37.  We did drive through Caledonia another pleasant village.  The new homes in this area are astounding.  Our drive took about 90 minutes.  Great for Nancy to get out of house.

At home I checked the wind chill to see if a walk was possible.  No walk the wind chin was 15.  I checked hours of the Y and saw they were open to 1700.

I drove to Y.  The place was jammed with a lot of families.  I walked 1.6 miles, my exercise for the day.

At home I had my normal yogurt lunch.  Nancy and I split a muffin.  I was glad to see Nancy eat.

After lunch I took a 90 minute nap before heading to the office to write this blog.  

On this date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  It was also a Sunday.  Great Grandfather Sanborn said it was a wild day.  Wind with temps at freezing.  He stayed home all day listening to radio and reading.  He did comment on the road conditions.  The frost was gone so the roads were getting better.

Being so cold today the birds and squirrels have been eating all day.

This and that:

The Academy Awards are tonight.  Does anyone care?

Missy and AJ FaceTimed this afternoon.  They were at the beach.  AJ was busy picking up shells.

I sure hope the GOP doesn’t implode.  The supporters of Trump are out of touch with main stream.  If the GOP loses both the house and Senate, blame it on Trump.

I hope our recent cold spell hasn’t damaged our fruit crops.

Nancy fixed scrambled eggs for dinner.  We watched the news followed by two segments of 60 Minutes.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “In From Cold”.  I did not realize the show was science fiction.  

Cold when checked the Courtyard tonight.  Nice Crescent moon.  Temp will drop to teens tonight.

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