Thursday, March 3, 2022

March 2, 2022

 Wednesday March 2, 2022

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

Today I have Breakfast Club.  Up at 0530.  Several light exercises before dressing and heading out.

The temperature this morning was 19.  Big change from yesterday’s mid 30s.

Left home at 0630.  I was surprised at how busy I-196 was.  Small crowd at BC.  Todays speaker talked about the GR Art Festival coming in early June.  The Festival will resume after a 2 year absence because of Covid.

Members of BC are conservative.  President Biden did not get much praise for his speech last night.

After BC I drove to Well Faro Advisors to drop off some paper work.  Stopped at Meijer’s to see if my prescription for nose drops was ready.  It was not the ENT doctor had not yet authorized it.  I did fill the Fusion up.  I put in high test and the cost was above $4.

The temperature had risen to 32.  At home I changed to bike clothes and pedaled to Panera.  Pleasant day for a short bike ride.

Ordered coffee and baguettes.  Read the news and finished yesterday’s blog.

Left Panera at 1230.  At home noted Nancy had already left for her shift at the Gardens.  This is the first week of the butterfly display.  Nancy expects to be busy.

Quick lunch and then gathered up trash and recyclables.  Also did a load of laundry.  With my Wednesday chores out of the way I took a nap.

After nap I headed downstairs to get my income tax together.  Also put out more corn for deer.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  As expected the Gardens was very busy.

Dinner tonight was cheerios with an apple.  We watched the news.  Ukraine still dominates.  It appears Covid is weakening.  More mask mandates are being lifted.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Stay Close”.  Checked Courtyard before turning in everything ok.

Debbie FaceTimed just as we were turning in.  She was amazed we were going to bed at 2100.  We told her that is what old folks do.

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