Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 26, 2022

 Saturday March 26, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Today I am writing the blog on my mini.  Using portable keyboard.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Nancy and I both had a pretty good night’s sleep.

Checked the weather and it was 30 with high winds.  Wind chills in low 20s.  Last night we got a thin layer of snow on the ground.  Took a photo and mailed to kids.

With the cold, wind and snow it looks like no bike ride.   Today will be a rest day or me.

First thing I got in Fusion and drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.  Bought two coffees.  Also got a bagel that was free today.

Nancy was showering when got home with coffee.  I made her take her pill before giving her the coffee. I fixed myself an oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

With the cold and snow on ground the birds and squirrels were hungry.  Brought up a new bag of bird seed from car and filled up our only feeder.  

The squirrels cannot access the bird feeder but they can reach the suet cake I suspended from pole on the deck.  I rigged up a long piece of ribbon from the feeder to our slider door.  When the squirrels get up on the suet I open the door and pull the ribbon.  Works fine.

Nancy did several loads of laundry.  I helped her.  My job was to go downstairs and hang up the clothes.  Don’t want Nancy climbing stairs.

I did read the Alpena and Detroit News this morning.  Not much I want to comment on.

Fixed a lunch of yogurt and pudding.  Took a short nap. It being Saturday I shaved.

Headed downstairs to start today’s blog.  Turned on the heater and called up a Merle Haggard album on my laptop before starting.`

For dinner tonight I had yogurt, coleslaw and toast.  Tonight we watched the news.  For our special viewing we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

Before bed Nancy and I both took 2 Motrin.  The family that pills together stays together.  Dumb.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She asked how Nancy was and I quoted from an Old Peter Sellers movie “every day in every way she gets better and better”.  Pink Panther movies were great.

Light snow with temps in low 20s when checked courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow should be another cold day.

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