Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 28, 2022

 Monday March 22, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was cold, 19, but weather app said sunshine most of the day.  Right now at 1600 the temperature is 32 but wind chill of 21.  

Quickly dressed and drove to Panera to get Nancy a coffee and bagel.  Nancy does not feel much better this morning.

I decided because of the cold no bike today.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast with banana before driving to Y.

The Y’s parking lot was full today.  Luckily nobody’s does chin-ups any more so I never have to wait to use the bar.  My calisthenics routine takes 30 minutes.  If I add aerobics it is another 30.  No aerobics today because I plan on a bike ride or walk this afternoon.

After the Y I drove again to Panera. Got coffee and baguette before settling down to read.  First thing I finished Yesterday’s blog.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News.  These two papers give me a good idea of what is going on in Mi.

At noon I pack up and head home.  Check up on Nancy before heading to Meijer’s.  Today I just restocked my larder.

Lunch and then I bundled up and headed out on a 1.6 mile walk.    It takes me 45 minutes to walk 1.6 miles.  I hope this time increases substantially after the hip surgery.

This and that:

This morning Nancy received a Get Well Fruit basket from the Scott Team, Steve, Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra.  Nice gift.

Checked Great Grandfather’s blog from this date in 1938.  GGF reported the “smelt” run has started in local creeks dumping into Lake Huron.  The smelt swim upstream to spawn.  In springtime nothing tastier than a beer with smelt dinner.

GGF also noted that FDR got Senate to pass the “Reorganization Bill” 49 to 42.  GGF was politically active.  He served two terms in the Mi Legislature.

A lot of talk today about Will Smith’s slap of Chris Rock.  I did not see the Academy Awards last night.  I am glad.

President Biden also got in hot water by saying someone should take out Putin.  Most folks agree but the words should not be spoken in polite company.

This spring I have never seen so many Turkeys.  Flocks of 20 or more are common.  I see Turkeys everywhere but only occasionally see a bald eagle.  Ben Franklin was right the Turkey should have been the national bird.

Debbie Facetimed today.  Everything is improving in GR.  Good news for CA rain yesterday in San Jose.

Putin seems to have changed his strategy in Ukraine.  Looks like he has given up on western Ukraine.  NATO should make him leave all of Ukraine.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of fruit and piece of toast.

We watched the news followed by a new show on Netflix “Pieces of Her”.  I liked the first episode.

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