Friday, March 18, 2022

March 17, 2022

 March 17, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in living room.

Up this morning with alarm at 0620.  No sun until 0748. But it will be sunny and warm today.  At 1700 the temp was 68.

Today is St Patrick’s Day.  It is also my Great Grand Father Sanborn’s Birthday.  He was 83 in 1938.

Today I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  Quick breakfast and then got on bike and headed to Panera via a 5 mile route.

Ordered coffee and baguette. Finished yesterday’s blog and started some reading.  Left Panera at 1015 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 7.8.

Showered, shaved and dressed.  Today John Kraus at 1130 is picking me up and we are having lunch at Cascade Road House.  In keeping with the day I had a Guinness beer along with a club sandwich.  John also had the club.

John worked with me in the early 70s at Kent County.  At the time he was hired as an inspector.  He so liked the work that he went back to MSU and got a Civil degree.  He ended up owning a small engineering firm.  John retired this year at age 71.  We had a nice talk.

This morning I saw a skunk in back yard.  He probably wanted to take a lick off the mineral block in the back yard. As soon as I got home from lunch I moved the block away from the condo and swept the porch and lower deck of all bird seed that I had put out for squirrels.  No more food for squirrels.

Fell asleep while reading in the living room.  Sure sign that I needed a nap.

This and that:

Being St Pat’s day I wore a green sweater.  Both Nancy had I have roots in Ireland.

Nancy’s Grandmother Patton was an Armstrong from Northern Ireland.

My mother’s maiden name was Hughes. The Hughes before heading to Canada lived near Gory, Ireland.  They were Protestants.  They headed to Canada after a group of Catholic extremists put 40 Protestants in a barn and set it a fire. 

In 1956 a group of my HS friends were invited to Jerry Kendorski’s home for a St Pats party. Jerry’s mother bought green beer to drink and baloney sandwiches made with green bread and baloney.  We played cards and talked about the future.  We were all ending our HS careers. I email several participants every year on the 17th and asked if they remember.  All do saying it was a great HS memory.

Just driving around GR I am surprised at the number of eating establishments that have closed.  

I bet 90% of women exercising at the Y have their iPhones on them.  I always leave my phone in the locker.

Because of my large lunch I had just yogurt with blueberries for dinner.

After the news we watched an episode of “Mr and Mrs Murder”. Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Check of Courtyard before bed found every thing ok.

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