Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 7, 2022

 Monday March 7, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.

Looked out window and saw we were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow.  Temperature was 32.

One of my first morning duties is to unlock the garage.  Slippery snow on the walk. So I shoveled.  The snow was wet and heavy. Unfortunately more snow to come.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  This afternoon she has a PT session.

Did calisthenics before breakfast.  My calisthenics are always easier on Monday after a rest of two days.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana.  I never tire of this meal. Put on warm clothes and drove to Y.  

The Y was crowded this morning.  I did calisthenics and 3 miles on stationary bike before showering.  Drove to Panera.

Panera was cold. They still have not fixed their heat.  Major league turnoff.  Got my coffee and baguette before starting a morning read.

This and that:

Ukraine still dominates the news.  Sure wish US and EU would ban Russian oil.

The EU has large petroleum deposits suitable for fracking.  The global warming folks won’t allow, so they are dependent on Russia for fuel to heat their homes.  Makes no sense.

President Biden is trying to get Venezuela’s Maduro to sell us oil.  Maduro is a dictator with ties to Cuba and Russia.  You figure!

We have plenty of domestic oil.  We just need to get approvals for pipelines and new drilling.  I don’t think this will happen as long as the Dems are in power.

Yesterday I made my annual contribution to Juvenile Diabetes.  Why haven’t we found a cure after all these years.  

After a quick lunch I headed down to my office.  I spent the afternoon gathering up all my tax info.  Luckily I found in my in basket a packet from our tax accountant about this years taxes. It was a great aid.

Dinner tonight was ham and bean soup with blackberries.  We watched the news before switching to Netflix.  Watched an episode of “Young Wallander”.  I like.

Temperature was 32 when checked Courtyard.  Typical this time of year, the temp in morning will be below 32 and in the afternoon in 40s.

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