Thursday, March 24, 2022

March 23, 2022

 Wednesday March 23, 2022

Blog time 1000 at Panera 

Up at 0700.  Finally a good night’s sleep.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Rope yarn Wednesday for you Navy folks.

Did all calisthenics at 50%.  No Y today.

Nancy heads out at 0800 for her swim.  Her cough is not much better.  Speaking of Nancy she just walked into Panera.  She got her coffee and joined me for 10’. This afternoon she works at Gardens.

On and off rain all day.  Temps in low 40s.  I chanced it and took bike to Panera.  Today I bought oatmeal, coffee and a coffee.  I had enough points so no charge.

This and that:

Once again last night’s rain brought a lot of worms to surface.  Field day for Robins.

The trial of the group that tried to kidnap our Governor is going on in GR.  It is kind of a keystone cops story.  Why would these idiots think they could get away with any kidnap.  They thought this action would start a civil war.  The mindset of the militias is beyond belief.

The right wing group talked about above does not have an exclusive right to stupidity.  A left wing group of environmentalists is against petroleum pipelines, especially those owned by Canadian pipe line company Enbridge.  They have vandalized pipelines in Michigan’s Thump.  

Will stop on way home at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Nancy cleaned out our pantry.  She threw away cans of food that were outdated.  Our trash bin is now very heavy.  Hope we haven’t exceeded weight limit. Checked bin and it’s max capacity is 250 pounds.  I estimate our load today at 150#.

All winter I have filled two bird feeders on our deck.  Today I will take one down.  The remaining feeder is used mostly by pretty small birds.

I bought a mineral block for the deer.  Placed it in the middle of the big field in back yard.  It took awhile but for the past two night several deer have visited the block.

Left Panera early because my app said rain starting at noon.  Got home at 1140.  Total bike miles today 7.25.

After lunch I started my Wednesday chores.

Load of laundry

Took our trash.  

Filled bird feeders.

Picked up living room and office.  Makes it easier for Kim to clean.

Took a nap.

After the nap I continued reading.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios with pineapple.  

Watched the news and then switched to Apple A+ and continued watching “Suspicious”.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We usually give a positive report but today Nancy still has her cough and now an ear ache.

It was raining when checked courtyard.  Yucky weather will continue until late next week.

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