Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 19, 2022

 Saturday March 19, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0715.  It was raining and temp in high 30s.  My weather app said rain all day.

We got dressed and headed to Gathering Place for breakfast.  Nancy had her Western Omelette and I had oatmeal with an egg.  We both had coffee and raisin toast.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at the Lake Eastbrook Panera for our free coffee.  On way home we stopped at Meijers for fruit, radishes, cookies, pudding, yogurt and prune juice.

Emptied the car and then Nancy started laundry.  I filled up bird feeders.

Later in morning started some errands:

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to put items in lock box and cash in some coins.

Filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $4.25.

Stopped again at Meijer’s.  Bought gallon of distilled water, bottle of Spray and Wash, and a bottle of wine.

At home lunch and then I finished the monthly notes to Grandkids.  Walked to post box to mail them.  

I have mentioned in previous blogs that our full moon is called the Worm moon.  It gets its name because  the frost is gone allowing the worms access to the surface.  This morning I noted that with last night’s rain the sidewalks were loaded with worms.  The Robins will have a feast.

After lunch I took a short nap.  Nancy continues cleaning so I made several trips to trash and recycle bins.

For dinner I had a Shepard’s pie with blueberries.  After the news we switched to Apple A+ TV.  We watched episode 1 and 2 of “Suspicion”. I liked the show but when checked on Google only 59% likes.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard this evening.  It has rained all day. Weather app says sun and 55 tomorrow.

Just as I was heading to bed Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Rain expected in Ca which is good news.  Nancy and Bob gave a positive report.


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