Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March 1, 2022

 Tuesday March 1, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0645.  March came in like a lamb so that means it will leave like a Lion.  Today it was 33 with sun. 

Our local Meteorologists consider today the first day of Spring.  I agree.  

Calisthenics, breakfast and then drove to Y.

Today I did calisthenics but no stationary bike.  No heavy sweat so no shower.  Drove straight home, grabbed my mini iPad, pumped up bike tires and pedaled to Panera.  First time this year for the bike.  It felt good.

At Panera drank my coffee, ate my baguettes and read the local news.  Ukraine war news still dominates.

It was great being back on the bike.  Total miles biked = 5.60

At home I showered and shaved. Cut my nails and shaved head. How come my left side nails grow faster than right side? My good grooming day.

Nancy was getting ready to attend her 1400 PT session.  I think she has about another month of therapy.  She is also being fitted for a brace for her foot.  

I feed the birds and deer before lunch.  After lunch I drove to Ada Bike to have them make some adjustments to my bike seat.

I took a short nap this afternoon.  Finished the afternoon reading the news.

Nancy fixed bean soup for dinner.  Also an apple and toast.

This evening after the news we watched an episode of “Stay Close”.  I like the show, Nancy not much.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She hinted that she and AJ might spend a year in Istanbul.  Stay tuned.

It was still above freezing when I checked the Courtyard before bed.  Cold wave coming.

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