Saturday, March 19, 2022

March 18, 2022

 Friday March 18, 2022

Slept in this morning until 0715. I am glad it is Friday.

This morning I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  Breakfast and then started my 5 mile bike ride to Panera.  It was 45 and cloudy.  Strong wind put wind chill at 37.  But spring is coming.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  She continues to do the Spring Cleaning.  I am continually taking bags out to trash.

Panera was not crowded this morning.  Ordered coffee and baguette before finishing yesterday’s blog.  I did read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home at noon.  Total bike miles today 8.3.

At home I checked bird feeders and again saw our neighborhood skunk.  I got out the skunk spray and wetted down areas I thought he visited.  Why is the skunk a he?

Showered and put on my warm street clothes.  Rain starting this afternoon and continues through Saturday.

This and that:

The squirrels have been climbing the pole to my bird feeder.  This afternoon I put Vaseline on the pool to discourage climbing.

Tonight Nancy and I are either going to Shepard’s Grill or Brann’s for a bowl of soup.

This day in 1938, Ossineke.  GGF Sanborn said it will get to 50 today and it is beginning to look like Spring.  This afternoon he let the Plymouth Rock hens out of the hen house to scratch.  Smelt might start running next week.

This afternoon I continued titivating.  I have cleaned out old clothes, shoes, office papers and other things I no longer need.  Our recycle bin is nearly full and it won’t get emptied for 2 weeks.  I think I am 90% done with spring cleaning.  

Nancy also continued cleaning, her pile is much bigger than mine and she is only 75% done.

We left home at 1630 and headed to Brann’s for dinner.  There were several empty tables but no wait staff.  The wait for a table was about 30 minutes.  We left and headed to Shepard’s Grill.  We got the last table.  Nancy had a cup of navy bean soup and I had a  bowl along with a glass of wine.  The food and wine are always good at Shepards but what I like is the neighborhood feel of the place.

At home we watched the news before switching to Acorn. Tonight we watched episode 2 of “Chelsea Detective”.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was warm in CA.  Bob and Nancy gave a positive.

It was starting to rain when checked the courtyard this evening.  Temperature will drop to high 30s tonight and it will rain all day tomorrow.

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