Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March 14, 2022

Monday March 14, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Is was dark outside.  With DST sunrise is not until 0754.  Temperature was 34.  My iPhone said it will start rain at 0900.  Bummer I had planned on riding bike to Y.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.  Later today she has a PT session.

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  I put on my bike clothes before heading to Y.  After Y session I will come home and bike to Y.

The parking lot at the Y was full.  Body pump and aerobic classes are in full swing.  I only did my chin-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and pushups today.  I will get my aerobics today riding my bike outside.

At home I hopped on bike and headed to Panera. It felt good being on the bike.  According to weather reports I have at least 10 days of good bike weather.

At Panera I ordered coffee and two baguettes, my standard morning fare.  Finished yesterday’s blog before reading the news and checking emails. Left Panera at noon because I have a 1430 dental appointment.

At home showered before a quick lunch.  Left home at 1400 for Dentist.

Today they are performing a 6 months maintenance on my upper implant plate.  Also a cleaning of lower teeth.  

They removed the upper plate.  It is held up by 4 screws.  Cleaned the plate and replaced the screws.  I was in the chair for two hours.  Since I have been using an electric flossier, cleaning the lower teeth is easy.  

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home to get milk and yogurt.  Monday afternoon is a great time to shop, no customers.

The weather was mild so I took a mile walk before dinner.  For dinner I had cheerios with strawberries and 1/2 a scone.  Watched the evening news.  I don’t know if I am accurate but GR seems to be having an increase in violent crime.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of a new show on Netflix, “Viking Valhalla”.  I liked the show.  Nancy gave it a mild ok.

Courtyard check this evening and the temp was in high 30s.  Will ride bike tomorrow.

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