Friday, March 25, 2022

March 24, 2022

 Thursday March 24, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It was still dark.  Stepped outside into a light drizzle.  Temperature was in low 40s.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  She did cancel her afternoon PT class.  She promised that she would rest all afternoon.

At home, calisthenics before breakfast.  Because of rain I drove to Y.

The Y was not crowded.  I did calisthenics and walked a mile.  Showered and then headed to Panera in a light rain.  

First task today was finishing yesterdays blog.  Next task was starting today’s blog before reading the Alpena and Detroit News.  

This and that:

The Russian attack against Ukraine appears stalled.  NATO has been supplying arms to Ukraine but refuses to supplies jets.  

The USA is very timid responding to Russia’s attack against Ukraine.  

On way home I stopped Meijer’s to get supplies.

Got home at 1330 and Kim had just finished cleaning.  

Lunch and then I spent time reading today’s news.

Looked in on Nancy about 1600.  She was very chilled and shaking.  She felt like she had a temperature.  

Got worried and took Nancy to UM Urgent Care.  Nancy was very weak and had difficulty getting her to the car.  

When got to Urgent Care had to use a wheel chair to get Nancy inside.  The nurse took her temperature.  It was 102+.  Nancy was not very responsive.  The Nurse took Covid and influenza swaps.  Xrays were also were taken.

Bottom line Nancy did not have Covid but had pneumonia.  She was given an antibiotic shot along with oral pills.  Nancy slowly was getting back to normal.  

The Urgent Care folks provided a prescription that I will pick up tomorrow.  Used the wheel chair to get Nancy to the car.  She was able to get in the car under her own power.

At home Nancy walked inside and we watched the final episode of Suspicion on Apple TV+.  The final was a huge disappointment.  The millennials fight against global warming was stupid.   I gave the show a C-.

Nancy was in bed by 2200.  She slept soundly on her back all night.  She did not move.  

Early tomorrow will be busy. Have to cancel two Doctor’s appointment and Sunday’s get together at Moleski’s.  I will pick prescription at Meijer’s.  We will start a five days of oral medicines. 


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