Sunday, March 6, 2022

March 5, 2022

 Saturday March 5, 2022

Blog time 1400 sitting in living on Sunday, yes I am a day late again.

Up this morning at 0700. The temperature this morning was in mid 30s.  High temp today predicted to be near 60.  Good Grief it is early March!

Saturday morning so we headed to “The Gathering Place for Breakfast”.  My stomach has settled down probably because my intake of coffee had decreased significantly.

Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal and raisin toast.  No coffee for me.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a paper towel holder.  The place was closed.

At home Nancy started laundry and I filled up the bird feeders and put out new corn.  I will stop all feeding on St Patrick’s Day.

Later we got back in car and headed to BBB.  We found the paper towel holder that fit our needs.  

Dropped Nancy at home.  I then ran a few errands.  At Chow Hound I bought a bag of bird seed.  I had enough Chow Hound points that the bag was free.  

Took five shirts to Sheldon Cleaner which is in the same strip mall as Chow Hound.  My former cleaner has closed.  It was a nice family owned business but Covid took its toll.

It was in high 50s when I got home.   Perfect weather for a bike ride.  Left home at 1230 and rode 9.1 miles.  Average speed was 7 mph.  Temperature when got home was 59.

At home showered and shaved.  Put on comfortable clothes and started my daily reading.  Also paid some bills and continued working on taxes.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  Toast with fruit.

At 1930 we started watching the last two episode of “Stay Close”.  Surprise ending for me (not for Nancy).  I gave the show an A-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening to check up on her old parents. We gave a positive report.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The wind was strong.  In fact we are under a high wind advisory.  The temperature was 60.

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